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1963: The Year That Changed the World

Why are there so many #mass_school #killings today?

This did not happen pre-1962!

Actually, in #1764 there was the first: The slaughter of a school teacher, Enoch Brown and ten school children. They were stabbed to death and scalped. The date was July 26, 1764.

In the Fall of 2010, Megan D. Strait wrote a poem about the event:

A Massacre Unmatched

The ground is holy where they fell And where their mingled ashes lie, Ye Christian people mark it well With granite column strong and high; And cherish well, forevermore, The storied wealth of early years, The sacred legacies of yore The toils and trials of pioneers.

There were other attacks on the new settlers by Indians in Pennsylvania, but this was the most gruesome. Enoch Brown was a schoolmaster of a tiny #Christian school. On this day, he was there with eleven children. Four Lenape Indians from what is now New Jersey and Delaware, attacked the school, clubbed Enoch Brown in the head after he pleaded for the children, and scalped him. The eleven students were stabbed and scalped too; but one survived, Archie McCullough

To qualify as a #masskilling, according to the federal government, four or more must be killed in a single incident. There were no other incidents prior to 1963.

However, that quickly changed. From a tower at the University of Texas, 1966, Charles Whitman killed 15 people and wounded 31, the first mass school killing since 1764, a span of 202 years.

Since the #University_of_Texas_massacre, there have been 20 mass school murder sprees.

Let This Sink In

From 1764 to 1966, 11 people were killed, a School Master and 10 students, a span of 202 years.

Since 1966, a span of only 54 years, more than 300 children and college students, teachers and professors, have been murdered.

What happened?

The year is 1918 and #WWI has ended after four years of the most violent acts known to man. The casualties around the world stood at 8,500,000 dead, and US soldiers killed stood at 116,000. But there was a much deadlier danger lurking, the Spanish Flu.

Before the war ended in 1918, the #Spanishflu virus raised its evil head and killed 50,000,000 people around the world, one-fifth of the world population, spread from port to port by soldiers. More than 600,000 were killed in the United States, where the disease began to spread.

Many people in the U.S. bonded closer to #God for letting “the war-to-end-all-wars,” end. Many did not.

The #SwingingTwenties brought our first encounter with #sex_drugs_and_rock_and_roll on a mass scale, only the music was Big Band and the dance was The Charleston. Cocaine and marijuana were legal; alcohol was not.

#TheGreatDepression pretty much ended the #SwingingTwenties. December 1941, World War II became our war; and even more were killed. By the time WWII ended, it became “the war-to-end-all-wars.” This time the nation did repent, went to church, took the children to church, went out of their way to help others and worshiped God in the schoolhouse and City Hall, adorned at Christmas with Baby Jesus in the manger and Jesus movies in the auditorium. Great things began to happen quickly for the U.S. and much of Europe.

In 1960, the high school students studied the “3Rs,” (Reading, Riting and ‘Rythmetic) and were the brightest students in the world, according to International polls, holding the Most Educated spot year-after-year. According to polls, 98% of Americans claimed to be #Christian or #Jewish in 1960.

In 1962, the case of Engel v. Vitale came before the Supreme Court, with the #Engel side suing over a prayer that was recited each day at school, written by the School Board, along with the Pledge of Allegiance:

“Almighty God, we acknowledge our dependence upon Thee, and we beg Thy blessings upon us, our parents, our teachers and our country. Amen.”

A SINGLE parent found the prayer awful and sued. And won the suit.

The Supreme Court banned the reading of prayers that were written by the school board. In 1963, a #prayer of any sort was banned.

TIMELINE Pre-1963: 11 Fatalities 1764: Mass school killing, 11 dead 1963: God is kicked out of school by the U.S. Supreme Court Post-1963: 201 Fatalities 1966: University of Texas Tower: 15 dead 1988: Chicago: 5 dead 1989: Stockton School Yard: 6 dead 1991: University of Iowa: 6 dead 1992: Lindhurst High School: 4 dead 1998: Westside Middle School: 5 dead 1998: Thurston High School: 4 dead 1999: Columbine High School: 15 dead 2002: University of Arizona: 4 dead 2005: Red Lake Senior High: 10 dead 2006: West Nickel Mines School: 6 dead 2007: Virginia Tech: 33 dead 2008: Northern Illinois University: 6 dead 2012: Sandy Hook: 28 dead 2013: Santa Monica: 6 dead 2014: Marysville Pilchuck High School: 5 dead 2015: Umpqua Community College: 10 dead 2017: Rancho Tehama Elementary: 6 dead 2018: Marjory Stoneman Douglas High: 17 dead 2018: Santa Fe High: 10 dead

This should be clear to anyone, but it is not. Most people under 60 years of age think the God of Abraham is a myth and should be out of the school and public arena citing the “separation clause” that is not in the Constitution. It was the writers of this so-called “clause” who PUT the Bible in the school houses and colleges.

The divorce rate in 1960 was less than 5%. Now it approaches 50%.

The percentage of those professing belief in the God of Abraham was 98%. Now, 75% and dwindling fast.

God is booted out of school and the public square in 1963: JFK assassinated 2 months later; 1965 brings the Sexual Revolution and new sexually transmitted diseases; 1967 brings the Vietnam Conflict with 50,000 soldiers killed; 1968 Bobby Kennedy is assassinated, the first Kennedy to support a pro-abortion candidate; 1973 brings legal abortion of children; 1974 brings Affirmative Action; 1980 brings the Gay Plague, later renamed HIV AIDS, now more than 25,000,000 dead; 1986, homosexuality becomes “legal” in most states and churches begin accepting the lifestyle; 2001, the 9/11 tragedy; 2004, Indonesian Tsunami kills 240,000; 2005 brings the “Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster;” 2010 Haiti earthquake, 300,000 dead; 2015 brings men marrying men; 2018 brings push to legalize pedophilia. Notice the trend?

Please check out The End: The Book: The Series, a thriller and God’s great love story with mankind until the end of things as we know it.

Written by: JL Robb- August 25, 2019

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