Genesis 1-5 Bible Study with JL Robb
Last year, February 2020, I received word that a very close friend was in ICU and probably wouldn't make it. Alcohol-related dementia. I rushed to the hospital and he was heavily sedated. He was in the hospital for 3 months and is now in an assisted living home.
I had known Tom since moving to Atlanta in 1977. I came home, very troubled, and had a conversation with God. I pleaded with God to save him; and if He did, I would teach Tom the Bible, starting on page 1, Genesis. I knew Tom had never read the Bible, though he had one; so I bought him a large-print Bible and had his name engraved on it.
We started the Bible Study as soon as Tom recovered and are still at it. I sent the study of Genesis to several friends; and they loved it, especially the links in the study. Because of the CoVid pandemic and my own medical issues and age, I have been confined to home with more money going out every month that has been coming in. Retirement was disappearing fast.
One friend suggested I start selling the Bible Study by the chapter or in lots of 5. I was apprehensive because there are so many free Bible studies online, I was not sure of the interest level. But many said to go for it, and I did.
God led me to this Bible Study, the way He weaves mysteries in all of our lives who believe in Him. The Study is unique and designed to make the reader think about what they have learned from pastors, commentators, and Bible Scholars.
I hope you enjoy it. You can purchase by the chapter as well!
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