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The End: The Book: Part One: "And then The End Will Come"

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The End: The Book: Part One: "And then The End Will Come"

Not a cloud in the blue Atlanta sky, Jeffrey Ross made his morning visit to the Dunwoody Starbucks, expecting this day to be like any other. It wouldnt.

Samarra Russell left her meeting at Emory Medical Center after receiving the strange call and wondered if it had anything to do with her immunology research at CDC. It was a secret, or was supposed to be.

Going home as instructed, Samarra opened the box of Valentine candy on the kitchen counter and collapsed. Before losing her balance, Samarra recognized the small finger, severed and still wearing the tiny ring she gave him for his 7th birthday. Her precious son.

She opened the note after regaining limited senses and read. If she didnt want to receive young Thomas Russells head in a box, she would do as instructed.

And she did.

  • Product Details

    ISBN-HC: 9781630680312
    Publisher: Energy Concepts Productions
    Publication date: 10/01/2013
    Pages: 298
    Product dimensions: 6.00(w) x 9.00(h) x 0.81(d)


    ISBN-SC: 9781630680336
    Publisher: Energy Concepts Productions
    Publication date: 10/01/2013
    Pages: 298
    Product dimensions: 6.00(w) x 9.00(h) x 0.67(d)
  • About The Book

    Hollywood has made its share of end-of-the-world movies over the years. The Bible has a story about that subject, and all the special effects in the world could not portray the horror and the terror of those days. THE End: The Book: Part One is the 1st book to be released in the 7-part The End The Book Series that follows Jeffrey Ross and a group of senior citizen friends and ex-military as Islamists take their war to the Bible-Belt, and Atlanta suffers the first nuclear strike on U.S. soil. After a break in at CDC, the Spanish flu virus is released on the world, and millions die as the virus mutates. A hijacked nuclear submarine makes its way toward the United States, and Jeff begins to wonder if the end really is near.

  • Video Trailers

    The End: The Book: Part One by J.L. Robb video by Trailer to the Stars


    The End: The Book: Part One by J.L. Robb video by Yoni Art & Design


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    Shipping times are based on inventory as well as postal service times. Please reach out if you have any questions.

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